Medical Physics
Journal of Nuclear Medicine March 2024, jnumed.123.266331 Promising Candidate Prognostic Biomarkers in [18F]FDG PET Images: Evaluation in Independent Cohorts of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients, N. Hovhannisyan-Baghdasarian, M. Luporsi, N. Captier, C. Nioche, V. Cuplov, E. Woff, N. Hegarat, A. Livartowski, N. Girard, I. Buvat, and F. Orlhac
Pancreatology (2020) 20 Secretome biomarkers in pancreatic ductual adenocarcinoma, D. Dano, O. Gayet, J. Roques, M. Bigonnet, V. Cuplov, L. Camoin, S. Audebert, Y. Berthois, J. Iovanna, N. Dusetti and P. Soubeyran
Cancers (2020) 12:7 Machine learning approach to forecast chemotherapy-induced haematological toxicities in patients with rhabdomyosarcoma, V. Cuplov and N. André
EJNMMI Physics (2018) 5:14 Improved quantitation and reproducibility in multi-PET/CT lung studies by combining CT information, B. F. Holman, V. Cuplov, L. Millner, R. Endozo, T. M. Maher, A. M. Groves, B. F. Hutton and K. Thielemans
J Neural Eng (2018) 15:6 Optical and thermal simulations for the design of optodes for minimally invasive optogenetics stimulation or photomodulation of deep and large cortical areas in non-human primate brain, A. Dubois, C. Chiang, F. Smekens, S. Jan, V. Cuplov, S. Palfi, K. Chuang, S. Senova and F. Pain
Biomedical Optics Express Vol. 8 (3) Simulation of nanoparticle-mediated near-infrared thermal therapy using GATE, V. Cuplov, F. Pain and S. Jan.
Physics in Medicine & Biology Vol. 63 (1) Issues in quantification of registered respiratory gated PET/CT in the lung, V. Cuplov, B. Holman, J. McClelland, M. Modat, B. Hutton and K. Thielemans.
Physics in Medicine & Biology Vol. 61 (22) PETPVC: a toolbox for performing partial volume correction techniques in positron emission tomography, B. Thomas, V. Cuplov, A. Bousse, A. Mendes, K. Thielemans, B. Hutton and K. Erlandsson.
IEEE NSS/MIC 2016 (Poster) Simulation of Nanoparticle-Mediated near-Infrared Thermal Therapy Using GATE, V. Cuplov, F. Pain and S. Jan.
Physics in Medicine & Biology Vol. 61 (8) The effect of respiratory induced density variations on non-TOF PET quantitation in the lung, B. Holman, V. Cuplov, B. Hutton, A. Groves, K. Thielemans.
EJNMMI Physics Vol. 2 (1) Establishment of an open database of realistic simulated data for evaluation of partial volume correction techniques in brain PET/MR, A. Mota, V. Cuplov, I. Drobnjak, J. Dickson, J. Bert, N. Burgos, J. Cardoso, M. Modat, S. Ourselin, J. Schott, K. Erlandsson, B. Hutton and K. Thielemans.
J Nucl Med Vol. 56 (3) Issues in quantification of registered respiratory gated PET/CT in the lung, V. Cuplov, B. Holman, B. Hutton, A. Groves and K. Thielemans. SNMMI 2015 (Oral)
Physics in Medicine & Biology Vol. 60 (18) Improved correction for the tissue fraction effect in lung PET/CT imaging, B. Holman, V. Cuplov, L. Millner, B. Hutton, T. Maher, A. Groves, K. Thielemans.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes Vol. 103 Identifying key surface parameters for optical photon transport in GEANT4/GATE simulations, J. Nilsson, V. Cuplov, M. Isaksson.
J. Biomed. Opt. Vol. 19 (2) Extension of the GATE Monte Carlo simulation package to model bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging, V. Cuplov, I. Buvat, F. Pain and S. Jan.
J. Biomed. Opt. Vol. 18 (11) Experimental and analytical comparative study of optical coefficient of fresh and frozen rat tissues, M. Mesradi, A. Genoux, V. Cuplov, D. A. Haidar, S. Jan, I. Buvat and F. Pain.
IEEE NSS/MIC 2012 (Poster) Optical Imaging Simulation using GATE, V. Cuplov, I. Buvat, M. Mesradi, F. Pain and S. Jan.
IEEE NSS/MIC 2012 (Oral) Hybrid GATE: A GPU/CPU implementation for imaging and therapy applications, J. Bert, H. Perez-Ponce, S. Jan, Z. El Bitar, P. Gueth, V. Cuplov, H. Chekatt, D. Benoit, D. Sarrut, Y. Boursier, D. Brasse, I. Buvat, C. Morel et D. Visvikis.
Invited seminar (October 2012), Optical Imaging Simulation using GATE, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New-York, NY, USA.
High Energy Physics
Find my publications in the INSPIRE database (High Energy Physics information system):
Physical Review D Vol. 84 CMS Collaboration, S. Chatrchyan et al., Measurement of the tt Production Cross Section in pp Collisions at 7 TeV in Lepton + Jets Events Using b-quark Jet Identification, [arXiv] | [INSPIRE].
Invited seminar Measurement of W+W- production and Search for Higgs boson decays to two W bosons in the fully leptonic final state with CMS collision data at 7TeV, Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, France (2011).
Invited seminar Measurement of the Top-antiTop production cross-section in the electron-plus-jets final state using CMS data at 7TeV, Ludwig-Maximilian’s University, Munich, Germany (2011).
Physics Analysis Summary PAS TOP-11-001 CMS Collaboration, Combination of Top Pair Production Cross Sections in proton proton Collisions at 7TeV and Comparisons with Theory.
Physics Analysis Summary PAS TOP-10-003 (2011)[Approved results here.] CMS Collaboration, Measurement of the Top Pair Production Cross Section at 7TeV using b-quark Jet Identification Techniques in Lepton + Jet Events.
Physics Analysis Summary PAS TOP-10-004 CMS Collaboration, Selection of Top-Like Events in the Dilepton and Lepton-plus-Jets Channels in Early 7 TeV Data.
CMS Analysis Note 2010/281 [restricted to CMS members] M. Barrett, F. Blekman, M. Chadwick, J. Cole, V. Cuplov, K. Ecklund, W. Martin, J. Thom, Y. Weng, J. Zabel, A measurement of t tbar cross section in early 7 TeV data using the semileptonic topology: electron plus jets with one or more b-tags.
CMS Analysis Note AN-2010/172 (2010) [restricted to CMS members] M. Barrett, F. Blekman, F. Bostock, D. Caballero, M. Chadwick, T. L. Cheng, T. Christiansen, T. Chwalek, J. Cole, V. Cuplov, K. Ecklund, J. Gruschke, C. Hill, B. Klein, Th. Muller, M. Renz, F.-P. Schilling, J. Thom, S. Walsh and Y. Weng, Selection of ttbar Candidates in the Electron+Jets Channel.
CMS Analysis Note AN-2010/006 [restricted to CMS members] M. Barrett, F. Blekman, D. Caballero, M. Chadwick, J. Cole, V. Cuplov, K. Ecklund, J. Thom and Y. Weng, Measurement of top-antitop cross section using the semileptonic topology: electron plus jets with one or more b-tags.
J. Inst. Vol. 5 CMS Tracker Collaboration, Commissioning and performance of the CMS pixel tracker with cosmic ray muons.
J. Inst. Vol. 5 CMS Tracker Collaboration, Commissioning and performance of the CMS silicon strip tracker with cosmic ray muons.
J. Inst. Vol. 5 CMS Tracker Collaboration, Alignment of the CMS silicon tracker during commissioning with cosmic rays.
IEEE NSS/MIC 2009 (Poster) The CMS all silicon Tracker simulation, M. Biasini and V. Cuplov. CMS Conference report CMS CR-2009/338
CMS Internal Note CMS IN-2009/033 [restricted to CMS members] V. Chiochia, V. Cuplov, X. Huang, V. Martin, D. Onoprienko, R. Ranieri, A. Rizzi, A. Schmidt, Simulation and material budget of the CMS Forward Pixel detector.
Physics Letters B Vol. 671 (3) D0 Collaboration, Search for a scalar or vector particle decaying into Zgamma in proton anti-proton collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96TeV.
D0 Note 5556 V. Cuplov, A. Ferapontov, D. Alton, R. Averin and Y. Maravin, Search for a scalar or vector particle decaying into Zgamma with D0 RunIIa Data.
Invited seminar Search for a scalar or vector particle in the Zgamma events at DO, Johns Hopkins University (Department of Physics and Astronomy) Baltimore, USA (2008).
Invited seminar Search for a scalar or vector particle in the Zgamma events with DO RunIIa Data, Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire et Hautes Energies (Paris VI, 2007).
AllUSCMS seminar The CMS Forward Pixel Geometry at Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USA (2007).
Summary of the Workshop: [CMS Public Note here] CMS Pixel group preparatory Workshop on Future Upgrade seminars: CMS Geometry and Material Description – and – Status of the Pixel Geometry.
Invited seminar at the Laboratoire de Physique Theorique et Hautes Energies (Universite Paris VI, 2004) Isospin Breaking and Radiative Corrections in Kl4 Decays
Invited seminar at the Institut de Physique Nucleaire (Universite Paris Sud, 2004) Isospin Breaking and Radiative Corrections in Kl4 Decays.
[arXiv] V. Cuplov and A. Nehme Isospin Breaking in Kl4 Decays of the Charged Kaon (2003).
Invited seminar at the HadAtom2001 Workshop held at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, Bern University (2001) Isospin violation in Kl4 decays: tree level effects [arXiv]
PhD Thesis
[thesis manuscript] V. Cuplov (2004) Isospin breaking and radiative corrections in semileptonic kaon decays.