Root Analysis
How to start a ROOT analysis using Gate root output file (for beginners) |
If you want to start a ROOT analysis here is a recipe. You can use the TTree::MakeClass method from ROOT which generates a skeleton class designed to loop over the entries of a tree from your root file. In the location of your output1.root, you launch root:
> root
Then you do the following:
- root [0] TChain chain(“Hits”); <<<=== the name of the tree of interest: Hits. But it could be any tree from the root file.
- root [1] chain.Add(“/home/…location_of_the_root_output_file/output1.root”);
- root [1] chain.Add(“/home/…location_of_the_root_output_file/output2.root”);
- root [2] chain.MakeClass(“MyAnalysis”);
<<<==== name of your code
MakeClass() will create 2 files: MyAnalysis.h and MyAnalysis.C
These two files are automatically generated. In the header file (MyAnalysis.h) all the root tree variables are declared and in the MyAnalysis.C file you will find a template that allows you to loop over your events. This is very useful when you have a huge root tree with tons of variables. A class is created for you!
You can run this code in root by doing:
- Root > .L MyAnalysis.C
- Root > MyAnalysis t
- Root > t.Loop();
If you open the MyAnalysis.C you will see a piece of code that was generated by the method TTree::MakeClass(). You can modify/improve the code for example by writing a counter:
void MyAnalysis::Loop()
if (fChain == 0) return;
Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast();
Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0;
Int_t num_photons_PMT = 0;
Int_t num_INITIAL = 0;
// Loop over optical photons
for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry
num_INITIAL++; // number of optical photons in the tree
if(HitPos_Y == 0.3) { ==> here you need to apply some cuts which are analysis dependant….. }
}// End Loop over the entries.
// You can print some results on the screen:
std::cout<<"***************************** Results *****************************" << std::endl; std::cout<<"Number of Generated Optical Photons: " << num_INITIAL << std::endl; std::cout<<"Number of Photons at PMT: " << num_photons_PMT << std::endl; // You can make plots of your interest ....... see the root manual. 🙂 }
Additionnal ROOT material:
If you look at the directory gate/examples/example_OPTICAL, you will see a macro named DrawBranches.C — If you modify it so it points to your root file, and execute it in root:
root> .x DrawBranches.C — It will draw/plot all the branches of your tree into a postscript file. That might be helpful or not……
N.B: ‘Duplicated’ branches seem to be a root thing. Looking at:, It seems that this is fixed in TTree since root version v5-34-11 (october 2013).